Regional District of Kootenay Boundary expands feedstock capabilities with Sustainable Generation
The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) has composted yard and garden waste at the Grand Forks Landfill Facility for more than 25 years using turned windrows. In 2013, as a result of an expanded organics diversion program in the region, residential food waste was added to the windrows. In 2022, RDKB expanded its feedstock capabilities to include biosolids, which has not previously included septage or biosolids, but they are an emerging feedstock for this facility.
Site Name: Grand Forks Compost Facility
Ownership: Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB)
Location: Grand Forks, British Columbia
Start-Up Date: Projected February 2023
Product: SG BUNKER® System with GORE® Cover
Input quantity: 3,900 M-tons per year
No. of Heaps: 5 Heaps, 5 Covers, 20m x 6m x 2.7m each
Treatment Time: 8 weeks/batch in 3 phases:
Phase 1 (covered): 4 weeks
Phase 2 (covered): 2 weeks
Phase 3 (uncovered): 2 weeks
Aeration: In-Ground Trenching
Control Parameters: Oxygen Control Mode
Input Material: Biosolids, Source Separated Organics, Yard & Clean Wood Debris
Equipment: Pre-Treatment (Grinders) / Front-end-loaders / Mobile Screen / Water Truck
End Product: High-Quality Finished Compost
Meeting Requirements While Producing High-Quality Compost
RDKB chose a 5 SG BUNKER® System with 5 GORE® Covers as its solution for their upgrade. The Regional District intends to produce two distinct Class A end products including a compost with food scraps and yard waste and a separate compost product with septage and biosolids. Two bunkers would be dedicated to biosolids composting and three bunkers would be devoted to food and yard and garden waste.
Of significant importance to the RDKB project was the SG BUNKER® System with GORE® Cover capability to comply with the state and local regulatory requirements and resource efficiency:
Meeting air quality standards for Odor control
Meeting Vector Attraction Reduction (VAR) requirements;
Meet Time and Temperature requirements (PFRP) for pathogen reduction
Produce high-quality finish compost
Moderate composting processing time
Low maintenance cost
The SG Bunker® System at the Grand Forks Compost Facility
A Sustainable Solution with True Scale
Construction for the project is complete with an anticipated start-up date in February 2023.
Phase 1: COMPLETE - site work and construction portion of the project.
Phase 2: Q1 2023 Scheduled Commissioning - full-scale production launch of the 5-heap SG BUNKER® System with GORE® Covers.